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Worker Welfare

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons: 30th July '21

By Staffline

Every country in the world is affected by human trafficking, a crime that exploits women, children and men for numerous purposes including forced labour and sex.

In 2020, Staffline assisted with 57 investigations into Modern Slavery and rescued 19 potential victims through those cases.

Since 2003, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has collected information on circa. 225,000 victims of trafficking detected worldwide. Globally, countries are detecting and reporting more victims and are convicting more traffickers. This can be the result of increased capacity to identify victims and/or an increased number of trafficked victims.


The World Day Against Trafficking in Persons on Friday, 30th July 2021 offers a platform for businesses across the world to unite and increase their efforts in spotting signs of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking within their supply chains.

This year’s focus is on first responders. For Staffline, this is our operational teams and our compliance investigations team. During the pandemic, the importance on our operational teams has been evident. We are proud to say the values and training implemented is evident in the issues that operations bring to compliance. These range from concerns about workers being introduced by dubious characters, overcrowding in houses of multiple occupancy to exploitation and modern slavery concerns.

So, what can you do within your business to support your workers? Our Compliance Team are always happy to talk about ways in which we can help other businesses spot early signs of Modern Slavery, and best courses of action.

Give the team a call on: 0115 943 7844 or email: compliance@staffline.co.uk.

An Overview of Staffline:

Established in 1986, Staffline is now the UK’s largest recruiter and workforce provider, delivering OnSite workforce solutions to leading brands. We work in partnership with clients and candidates, meeting business needs and matching people with opportunities.

We specialise in large-scale recruitment, providing teams to help businesses succeed. Our support is flexible to meet changing demands.

We make the world of work simple, helping companies to find the right people and perform at their best. Our service and pricing are bespoke, and we offer complete protection on compliance and ethical standards.

Our OnSite services support a range of sectors including agriculture, food production, logistics, transport, manufacturing and the automotive sector. We’re based at over 400 sites nationwide and find work for over 60,000 people each day.

Our new technologies include the AI chat bot, delivering ‘always on’ communication, the Universe platform, a game-changing candidate interface, and industry-leading customer experience management programme ‘Have your Say’. These innovations drive our customer-centric approach. We lead where others follow.

The Staffline Group also includes leading public service provider PeoplePlus - which helps tens of thousands of unemployed and disadvantaged people find work each year.

Find out more at: www.staffline.co.uk

by Staffline

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